Should time restrictions be an issue for you, we can provide a mobile hoist for you, which can be installed as quickly as you need it to be. They can be installed anywhere with a ceiling, and can be removed just as easily. Without any permanent fixtures, these are a very popular choice for temporary or palliative care needs.
Smooth operation
The controls are easily accessible on the handheld control unit and the front of the lift cassette. The electronic soft-start and soft-stop makes it easy for the caregiver to ensure the lift can always be stopped smoothly and safely in exactly the right position.
Features such as a brake, manual lowering system and stopping device safeguard the resident/patient in the event of an emergency. A power limiter prevents lift use when the battery is low.
Changing the battery in the lift cassette is easy and requires only a screwdriver. A red light on the lift cassette alerts the caregiver when servicing is required. The modular design means replacement components can be simply snapped into place.
A complete range of loop slings is available for use on the two-point spreader bar. The wide-set sling hooks make transfers more comfortable for the resident/patient.
Tarzan hookAn additional strap, known as the Tarzan hook, allows smooth and easy transfers between track systems or rooms.
The tight radius of the curved track sections enables layouts with superior space utilisation. The track sections fit together using a unique pin-locking system, and once in place, the seamless joints provide a smooth ride for the resident/patient during lateral transfers.