If you’re living with mobility issues, it’s right that you should look at products which can make your daily life easier.
One of the questions we get asked by our customers is ‘is a home lift is right for me?’.
Home lifts have become fairly common in the UK for people with mobility issues at home.
It’s a product that was once seen as a solution for those with a lot of money, however, today it’s more accessible and affordable than ever.
There are also many different types of lifts that can be installed at home, meaning a home lift could actually be the perfect solution to your mobility issues.
If you’re struggling to make the decision, then some of the scenarios below can help you to reach a decision.
You Use A Wheelchair
If you use a wheelchair, then a home lift the ideal solution to help aid your mobility at home.
They can fit in just about any room and have enough room within the lift itself for most standard size wheelchairs. Modifications can also be made to accommodate larger chairs.
As a wheelchair user, you can be confined to just using rooms on one level, however, a home lift will transport you upstairs so that you have more accessibility around the home.
You Have Limited Space On The Stairs
Sometimes, it may be the case that a stairlift would be a good solution, however, your staircase is just not wide enough to fit one in.
Always keep in mind that there are many types of stairlift product to assist with this.
In instances when a stairlift just will not work for you, then a home lift could be ideal and allow you to easily travel between the floors in your house.
The lift can have a chair installed as well, so you do not have to remain standing while in motion.
Your Mobility Prevents You From Using A Stairlift
Even if you do have room for stairlift and do not use a wheelchair, there may be instances when a stairlift is just not going to be the right solution for you.
It may be uncomfortable for some reason or just limits what you can and cannot do.
Perhaps you need a quicker way of getting to the upstairs rooms in your house?
If so, then a home lift can be that solution.
You Only Need Access To One Room Upstairs
A home lift is especially useful on occasions when the primary user needs to move between one primary room upstairs and the downstairs of the house.
You can simply install the home life straight in to the room upstairs, such as a bedroom, that they require and comfortably and conveniently move between the two.
If you’re still unsure about whether a home lift is right for you and your home, or if you want to ask more questions about them, then please get in touch with our experienced team today as we will help you to make the all-important decisions.
You can call us direct on 0151 525 3610 or alternatively, you can complete our simple enquiry form here and we will call you back at a time convenient for you.